Getting Started - Faculty and Staff
Welcome New Faculty and Staff!
Get answers to your most pressing technology questions here.
If you don’t find your topic here or on our website please feel free to contact the Help Desk.
New faculty members receive orientations typically occur in mid-August for the fall semester and early January for spring semester. New staff members receive orientations typically on their first day.
Help Desk
- Contact Help Desk for technology questions, issues, assistance, and classroom support
- (909) 607-3065 or extension 73065 (on campus)
- Location: Bernard 103/105
- Browse IT Help Articles and Solutions
Educational Technology Services
- Contact: Steve Anderson (by appointment)
- Assistance for research, teaching, and projects, including requests for special software or other resources.
Audio-Visual and Media
- Contact: Victor Milhon-Martin (by appointment)
- Support of film/video media and streaming, media presentations, video conferencing, and classroom support.
- Audio-Visual Services
User Accounts and Passwords:
- Reset password at Pitzer Home Page > Resources For > Faculty & Staff > PitPass
- Self Service Password Portal
- Two-factor authentication for login security using mobile app, landline, or passcode.
- All faculty are automatically enrolled at first login. Push by Duo mobile app recommended.
- Duo Help and Setup
Email / Office 365
- Pitzer uses Office 365 for email, including web-based Microsoft Office 365.
- Default email address:
- is also valid and will appear in the same mailbox.
- Login with Pitzer account at Pitzer Home Page > Resources For > Faculty & Staff or
- Office 365 - Email Help and Setup
File Storage
- Pitzer-Box cloud storage for file storage and secure sharing with initial 100 GB of space. Available for all file formats including embedded video, integrated with Office 365 and shared links can be used in LMS.
- Login with Pitzer account at Pitzer Home Page > Resources For > Faculty & Staff or
- Box Help and Setup
My Campus2 Portal
- The My Campus2 Portal provides various academic services such as 5C course schedule, registration, grades, transcripts and other services.
- Login with Pitzer account at Pitzer Home Page > Resources For > Faculty & Staff or
- Academic Portal Help and Setup
Canvas LMS
- The Claremont Colleges are transitioning to Canvas in a multi-semester process.
- Login with Pitzer account at Pitzer Home Page > Resources For > Faculty & Staff or
- Canvas Help and Setup
- All faculty can request a Pitzer-Zoom license without time limits. Audio transcription and cloud recording is available with a license. All Pitzer students can create basic accounts with a 40-minute time limit, but not required to attend Zoom meetings.
- Login with Pitzer account at Pitzer Home Page > Resources For > Faculty & Staff or
- Zoom Help and Setup
Software and Online Services
- Additional software and online services are available by request. Examples: Office for Desktop and mobile devices, Adobe CC, SPSS, Stata, ArcGIS, Maple, Qualtrics, and more.
- Supported software and downloads
- Printing services, offers special formats and sizes.
- Send requests and questions to:
- More information and duplicating requests:
Printing / PaperCut
- Print to any campus Ricoh from office, assigned station, or from laptop (requires Pitzer ID).
- Printing Help and Setup
- Papercut Installation
Streaming Video
- Video streaming service integrated into the Canvas.
- Streaming information media requests
Wireless Network (7C wide)
- Claremont-WPA with login format: (Preferred)
- Eduroam (login format:
- Wireless Help and Setup
- Lecture recording can be made with Pitzer-Zoom local and cloud recording.
- Loom cloud recording is available for free using your email address.
More information:
Space Reservation
- Reservations can be made for most spaces on campus (classrooms, labs, event spaces).
- Reserve a space with EMS Room Reservation System :
- EMS Help and Setup
Computer Classroom / Labs
- Two computer classrooms available to reserve:
- Broad Hall 213 (20 Windows computers)
- Skandera Hall P104 (18 Mac computers)
- Bernard Hall 103/105 Computer Lab (Windows and Macs, non-reservable)
- Use EMS for reservations. Contact Facilities for space questions, Pitzer IT Help Desk for technical assistance.
Pitzer-Google for Students
- All Pitzer students receive a Pitzer based Google account that includes most Google Workspace Apps: Gmail, Drive, Calendar, Meet, etc. There are known compatibility issues and limitations with students sharing Google Workspace information with faculty. Contact IT for any questions. Box and LMS are recommended for sharing files and information.
- Pitzer-Google account are not provided to faculty nor staff.
- Gmail for Students
Other Resources
- Library for 7Cs Honnold/Mudd Library:
Pitzer Facilities Department: or (909) 607-2226, McConnell Center 113
- Claremont Colleges Information Technology Departments:
- CMC: or (909) 607-0911
- HMC: or (909) 607-7777
- POM: or (909) 621-8061
- PIT: or (909) 607-3065
- SCR: or (909) 607-3406
- TCCS: or (909) 621-9196
- CGU: or (909) 621-8174
- KGI: or (909) 607-0387